
Content Responsible in accordance with § 55 RStV:

Dr. med. Friderike Fornoff
Dr. med. Daniela Rebhan

Schaubstr. 16
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 069-7566 7466 0
Fax: 069-7566 7466 9


Dr. med. Friderike Fornoff
Dr. med. Daniela Rebhan

Tax Number:

012 318 00890

Responsible Medical Association and Supervisory Authority:

Landesärztekammer Hessen
Hanauer Landstraße 152
60314 Frankfurt am Main
P.O. Box 60 05 66
60335 Frankfurt am Main
Phone 069 97672-0
Fax 069 97672-128


Country where the professional title was obtained:
Federal Republic of Germany

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The operators of these websites have no influence over the content, presentation, and updating of external websites. Even if links to certain (external) sites have been provided from our pages, it is not reasonable to carry out ongoing checks on these sites. No liability can be assumed for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided within this website. The content of the pages serves solely for non-binding information.

We strive for a factual and understandable language for our patients. Please point out any errors or questionable content to us. In the case of justified objections, we will make corrections or delete the content. However, warnings with cost claims without prior contact and information cannot be accepted.

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No personalized data is collected on these websites. User IP addresses are only automatically recorded by our provider for statistical purposes (general access statistics). Your data will not be shared with third parties.

All content, texts, and images on these websites are protected by copyright. Their use is permitted exclusively for personal purposes. Any other and commercial use, even in part, is not permitted without our express written consent.

Content Management System Used:

black.t CMS

Concept, Graphics, and Implementation:



Opening hours

Mon: 09:00 - 16:00
Tue: 09:00 - 14:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 09:00 - 16:00
Fri: 08:00 - 14:30


Ferdinand-Happ-Str. 32

60314 Frankfur am Main

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